Zombira The new Zombie ball, without the cloth. The true artist will use this, a lot! Beautifully crafted, subtle and powerful effect... A must for the theater and stage performer who has or does use the traditional Zombie gimmick and foulard, supply your own ten inch linking ring. Performing this before strolling in a restaurant will open up those unapproachable tables. $45.00 USD plus $9.00 domestic U.S. shipping. See video file to the right

Rope-u-tation The ultimate in club and stage rope penetrations. Imagine the usual rope penetration from back to the front, going through your stomach! Then, as a featured bonus, the rope penetrates throughout the rest of your body, VISIBLY!!! The highlight of Fox TV's 30 Seconds to Fame AND it fooled Teller on Fool Us! Why not let the most celebrated rope penetration be the highlight of YOUR set? They'll leave talking about it. $85.00 USD with free domestic U.S. shipping
Peekfolio The standard in fair, bold stage information gathering, in real time. Get Peekfolio, and you'll never need stooges, pre-show or other time and credibiliity wasting, flimsy techniques. Works with borrowed folders, too!!! Every pro should have this in his arsenal, or, his port(peek)folio. Maybe the best stage mentalism tool that I've EVER created $15.00 USD PDF format "This is definitely an idea to put into one's arsenal"-Master mentalist Greg Arce "It's good. Bold, gutsy but brilliant!"-Kennedy "Well I have this and just LOVE it..."-the late, great Ray Noble "Thanks for releasing this piece, I love it!"-Brian Watson
Streamer through Mic Stand- My opener "Streamer Dreamer" to my act! Pure sleight of hand that can replace the 'reel' thing... Vegas magicians couldn't believe the repetition of the effect, while letting them examine the streamer, the sleeves, the jacket. It's pure sleight of hand, accomplishing the task of passing a streamer through a cane, pole, mic stand, or any long stick shaped object... Even through a rope held taut. This is the real work, not possible to include in a written instructional, a video download is necessary. PLUS additional streamer effects added to the main penetration effect... Updated Tarbell knot penetration, Updated Tarbell Quick Tie and the classic knot appearance, all on video for easy understanding and learning at your own pace $18.50 USD
Please go to payments page to make a payment on any of these items. Provide address, and your contact information, and the name of the item being requested. Paypal is ONLY available for international orders
Click here to download Jimmy's FREE online book, Finger Magic
Jimmy Fingers' Magic Shop
Free will of Order is Jimmy's classic impromptu effect using common, carried objects to predict exactly what the audience member will do. At one time, this effect was used by more performers on the Las Vegas strip than any other mentalism effect being performed. Pure impromptu close up or stage mentalism. $17.50 USD
Standing Between Objects is the flagship, the original effect that has fooled and entertained audiences of magicians and laymen alike. Really impactful, motivated mentalism that can be done with common, carried objects. The look on the spectator's face when you tell them what they've written on a piece of paper that you've never come near tells it all. 20.00 USD
Slamdown is the ultimate in ungimmicked, real world performance of the classic cups and knives thriller! Jeff McBride uses this one in his lectures, and it fries everybody who sees it. The audience member tells you where to slam your hand down. A fresh take on an older premise, that doesn't even require any gaffs. $15.00 USD
Two Cold Caans is Jimmy's version of the ACAAN effect, based on an effect that was so overused at the turn of the century that everyone stopped using it, and it was forgotten. Brilliant use of an old effect, updated for a faster paced act than back in those days. Two spectators are requested to think of any number, count down in their respective halves of the deck, and the performer is able to show them that he knew all along. Uses a borrowed, shuffled, untouched (cold) deck, the effect is repeated and both of the cards are at their secretly chosen numbers (CAAN). Get good at this one and you'll ALWAYS be ready! $12.50 USD
Choppo is the world's only completely ungimmicked arm chopper. The principle confused magicians for decades on the original finger chopper version. Now, the larger arm sized version fools many of the top magicians in Vegas! Deceptive handling turns this imposing, dangerous looking prop into an instant classic. Nothing to hide, nothing to find. Just powerful, impactful magic! $495.00 USD plus $25 domestic U.S. shipping. Click for more video and accolades
Also, for collectors, click here
The Magellan Master Levitation is so good, it's got it's own page. Original Steel version $995.00 plus shipping AND the NEW Magellan Featherlite aluminum version $1495.00 plus shipping. Purchaser provides a black satin twin flat bedsheet or comparable 66" x 96" (168 x 244cm) cloth. Please click here to go to www.magellanlevitation.com
Inconceivable is the fast paced, powerful combination of a direct, mindreading effect with the impact of a Q&A production. Takes less time than a Q&A, uses NO preshow, and really blows the audience away. Just learning this will open your mind to being a magician on the master level. $20.00 USD